March 31, 2023 1 min read 2 Comments


Dear brothers and sisters: your Archbishop, dear Cardinal Giovanni Saldarini, the Pontifical Guardian of the Holy Shroud, has offered the following words as the motto of this Solemn Exposition: "All will see your salvation". Yes, the pilgrimage that great throngs are making to this city is precisely a "coming to see" this tragic and enlightening sign of the Passion, which proclaims the Redeemer's love.

This icon of Christ abandoned in the dramatic and solemn state of death, which for centuries has been the subject of significant representations and for 100 years, thanks to photography, has been so frequently reproduced, urges us to go to the heart of the mystery of life and death, to discover the great and consoling message it has left us.

The Shroud shows us Jesus at the moment of his greatest helplessness and reminds us that in the abasement of that death lies the salvation of the whole world. The Shroud thus becomes an invitation to face every experience, including that of suffering and extreme helplessness, with the attitude of those who believe that God's merciful love overcomes every poverty, every limitation, every temptation to despair.

May the Spirit of God, who dwells in our hearts, instill in everyone the desire and generosity necessary for accepting the Shroud's message and for making it the decisive inspiration of our lives.


ā€” Saint John Paul II

2 Responses
Adam Trombly

April 16, 2024

I am so grateful to St. John Paul for this moving advocation of the Shroud of Turin, and his advocation regarding Medjugorje as on Earth ā€œthe center of the Spiritual Universeā€.
The Shroud has been a constant inspiration to me for nearly my entire life.
I am also very grateful to Ghirelli for creating the wonderful Holy Easter Rosary. Let us never forget that, according to the Will of our Father, the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ is only fully realized in His Resurrection.
The Gospel of The Resurrection is inscribed on the Shroud of Turin. I am privileged as a devotee of of our Lord, and as a physicist to have participated in the confirmation of the authenticity of the Holy Shroud and to personally witness to the amazing spiritual power vested therein.
Our Lord Is Real! Holy, Holy, Holy, Is The Lord God of Hosts!
Adam Trombly

Adam Trombly

May 09, 2024

I am so grateful to St. John Paul for this moving advocation of the Shroud of Turin and his advocation regarding Medjugorje as on Earth ā€œthe center of the Spiritual Universeā€.
The Shroud has been a constant inspiration to me for nearly my entire life.
I am also very grateful to Ghirelli for creating the wonderful

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