If you're longing for a peace filled, family centric Christmas, centered on the heart of Christmas, the coming of the Christchild with Mary and Joseph in the humble stable of Bethlehem, then sneaking away for moments of reflection and pondering is a must. There is nothing like the sweet lilting rhythm of the rosary to warm the heart in hustle and bustle.
Here in this collection, we have presented our three Christmas rosaries, as well as curated a collection of Christmas colors, evocative of Christmas scenes.
Evergreens and glistening snow whites, frosty crystals and rosy reds, luminous pearls and always, always silvers and golds...and Italian family Christmas!
What most of these rosaries have in common is these Christmas colors, although the devotions are to varied apparitions or saints. Some of these tones have come to be associated with the very sense of Christmas, that you can celebrate the hope of the holy days long into the future, with Christmas rosaries you take out year after year.