May 08, 2020 2 min read

When we celebrate Mothers, we share with you this blessing which you can impart upon the Mothers in your own lives - Moms, Grandmas, Wives, Religious & Spiritual Mothers, etc. So simple in its form and pronouncement, and yet profound in its act, blessing people around us is tied directly back to our entire purpose as mankind - “to bless and be blessed.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1669). 

Now I look back with so much gratitude, and realize that above all else, if children are raised in a family with the Rosary, they will become great men and great women. For only with the Rosary, can we face all things with prayer, can we deal with all the suffering,all the things which happen to us in the day to day of family life.We have experienced with the rosary that you can overcome every daily obstacle and the Lord Himself gives you the strength to get by. I hope that all the mothers cling to our Lady because I think that if we don’t hold onto her, we can do a lot of things wrong in life.” - Cinzia, Co-Founder of Ghirelli Rosaries S.R.L.

From the moment of Christ’s death on the cross when He gave us His Mother to be our own, Mary, is also our Mother. She walks with us, she wants to accompany all mothers. What higher good can we offer to the women in our lives who have loved us, healed us, nurtured us, cared for us, prayed for us?

So amidst all the flowers you buy for her, the acts of love, the cards you send...remember to take the time to bless her, to pray for and with her. Find time to pray the rosary with her. 

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