July 09, 2020 2 min read

The origin of the Rosary dates back to the 13th century when the Blessed Mother appeared to St. Dominic, the founder of the Dominicans, and asked Christians to pray the Rosary to move the hearts of the Albigensians.

You can read more about the origins of the Rosary and its devotion here. 

Since founding the Dominicans, St. Dominic and his religious brothers have worn a rosary around their waist on their left side. Traditionally, the left side is where the sword was kept, and the Dominicans wear their rosary there as a reminder that it is their weapon by which they will conquer the evil one. Other religious orders such as the Franciscans and Carmelites also wear the rosary on their side to show that they belong to a religious family dedicated to the love and service of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

As Christian people, we are instructed to be the salt of the earth and light to the world (Matthew 5:13-14). We should proclaim our faith proudly and be witnesses to the faith Christ has given us. Just as religious orders have worn the Rosary as a weapon and sign of devotion for centuries, we too should benefit from the continuous reminder of our responsibility to fight and defend the faith. 

For the first time, Ghirelli has created a full rosary that can be worn as a fine piece of jewelry. The Magnificat Rosalet® seeks to Magnify Love, just as Our Lady’s soul Magnifies the Love of her Son. This new creative design allows you to wear your rosary so you are never without it. The bracelet stands as a statement of faith, with the reminder to pray it often.

While the traditional rosary may stay in a pocket or purse when not in use, the Magnificat Rosalet® is to be worn on your wrist, creating an inseparable union between faith and design. Its beauty will draw the eye of all who see it, and it not only becomes a beautiful instrument of prayer, but a means of evangelization. The elegant design of the bracelet, paired with the sacredness of the rosary beads and crucifix, present the opportunity to begin conversations about faith.

As Jesus proclaimed during the Sermon on the Mount, “Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father” (Matthew 5:16). We are called to bear witness to Christ in all things and be His light in this world. We should do everything for His glory, and beautiful jewelry that expresses the depth of our faith answers that call through a simple witness. 

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