May 02, 2019 3 min read

Ghirelli Rosaries Rosary Coast To Coast Blessed Is The NationWe’ve lived in a state of apathy for too long. There have been many times in our history as a nation in the United States in which we have been courageous and fought not only for our principles, but also against the evil that threatens to snare our morality. But today’s culture is a mass of confusion, moral relativism, and increased hostility.

No one knows how to change the trajectory of our nation. Many of us pray, but we feel called to do more. In essence, we succumb to our helplessness in the wake of daily tragedies, horrific betrayals both within the Church and in politics, and disastrous effects of storms and wars. What can be done?

First, we have to acknowledge what is really going on in our society. For sixty-plus years, we’ve seen a steady decline in Christian morality – from the elimination of prayer in public schools to contraception to on-demand abortion, and now, to the sexual depravity of pederasty, homosexual acts, pornography, and human trafficking.

The aftermath of what we’ve discovered about our Church hierarchy and political leaders is devastating. Whom can we trust, turn to, believe? There is only one answer: God. He is steadfast, our Rock. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

In order to continue to follow Jesus as the Truth, we have to also recognize the pervasive lies infesting the culture of death. Abortion, violence, and division all come from one source: Satan. It is nothing less than diabolic.

But we can be the change. We can participate in the Mystical Body of Christ, which is actually the call of every Christian, starting with you and me – today.

In response to the culture of death, many are filled with righteous indignation and have risen together with a common call: to fight the entrenching evil with the holy weapons of prayer -- most especially the Holy Rosary -- and fasting. It is to become, as One Body of Christ, a witness to the culture of life and to respond with peaceful protest the ugliness and darkness that has become commonplace in our world today.

According to an article in the National Catholic Register blog, “Already signed on and enlisted are Poland, the British Isles, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Lebanon, India, Mexico, Panama and some Central and South America countries. More are in the works to sign up in the next weeks.”

The Rosary Coast to Coast movement includes a 54-day Rosary novena (which began on the Feast of the Assumption, August 15 and concludes on October 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary), fasting, and concludes with a National Rosary Rally on Capitol Hill on October 7.

The movement has been publicly endorsed by many Catholic clergy, including Raymond Cardinal Burke, Bishop Robert Morlino, Fr. Donald Calloway, and Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, among others.

Here are specific things you and your family can do to participate, based on your state in life and where you feel called to help:

>> Volunteer to sponsor a local rosary rally at your parish, at your state capitol, in your home, or any public place you wish;
>> Pray the Rosary as a family or privately for the intentions of those participating in the rally; you can also sign up for daily reflections here;
>> Donate to the non-profit behind the movement, Holy League, so that they can continue spreading this mission here and worldwide;
>> Join a rally in your hometown;
>> Participate in the National Rosary Rally in Washington, D.C., on October 7th as a family, parish, or individual pilgrimage. The event will also be streamed live. Join with other Catholics beginning at 4 pm Eastern, 3 pm Central, 2 pm Mountain, and 1 pm Pacific time.

Truthfully, no matter who you are – religious, married, homebound, etc. – you can follow the call of Jesus to “Follow me” and the continual urging of Our Lady throughout history to be fervent in prayer and fasting to overcome this evil.

We know that the Blessed Mother’s intercession in LaSalette, Fatima, Akita, etc. resulted in miraculous events, particularly to regions and groups of people who begged for her help. Wars have been thwarted by praying the Rosary. Healings take place. And countries who have strayed from God’s love have repented – all through the Mother of Mercy, who is still pleading with us today: “Will you fight for my Son?”



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