February 05, 2021 2 min read

It’s evening, I am in my office, in the headquarters and factory in Italy, where every day for over thirty years we have tried to express through the Rosary a tribute to the beauty of this prayer. Looking at the Rosary with different eyes is what drives us and that's why our constant goal is to redefine the future of this object giving it the attention it deserves.

I'm looking at the little Rosalet, I think it is the highest point we have reached in the design of a Rosary, we are on the border between the tangible beauty of a jewel and the intimate beauty of the Prayer. I too have it on my wrist, and looking at it I think of how many e-mails, how many testimonies full of wonder and happiness we are receiving for having created it.

Thank you.

I have no words to express the joy I feel reading them. I share each of your e-mails with all Ghirelli members, I wish you could see the light in their faces.
I have long felt the desire to share with you what is in my heart, just as I do with my family. I would like to tell you the story of the Rosalet, starting from the first emotions felt with this great, though small Rosary. For a long time I had felt a particular inspiration inside of me, something that would change the perspective in which one was accustomed to seeing the Rosary, but I could not understand it.
It was like clearly sensing something, almost touching it but not seeing it.

The first week of January 2019, after days of drafts, projects, I told Michele, my son and head of design, that it was useless to continue. Just as I was saying this with my hands touching some pearls and some metal components on my desk, I
suddenly saw in my mind a Rosary to wear, to pray, to live. I looked at Michele and we understood each other in an instant, he just needed a few lines on a white sheet, elegant and precise, clean surfaces, the Miraculous Medal, and that was exactly what I saw in my mind. What was being born contained within it our history, our love, our life, it was the essence of over thirty years of research to elevate more and more the beauty of the Rosary.

We had before us the first drafts of the Rosalet and we clearly felt that something wonderful and revolutionary was taking shape. We had succeeded in redefining spaces and dimensions of an object that had been stationary for centuries in
front of aesthetic and constructive rules that seemed irreplaceable, but all of this while respecting its tradition. Immediately we entrusted the Rosalet to the Immaculate Conception, to Her who appeared in Lourdes, carrying on Her arm a rosary, consecrating everything to Her.

These are the emotions that filled our hearts from the first moment. I would like to continue in the coming blog posts to share with you this wonderful journey that we have called Rosalet.

United in prayer,

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