November 05, 2020 2 min read

New month, new callings. November offers a new opportunity for clarification in our spiritual journey. During this time, it is important for each of us to examine who or what is knocking on the door of our hearts. Just as we remember St. Charles Borromeo today as a spiritual example for others, we too must remember to focus our efforts on answering our spiritual calling and becoming an example for others. 

Today marks the feast of St. Charles Borromeo, a man who dedicated his life to service and reform. St. Charles Borromeo devoted himself to the Church and the people within the Archdiocese of Milan. He was instrumental in assisting with reform during the Council of Trent and led the wave of renewal of spirit throughout Milan. He took the initiative in being the ultimate spiritual example; he sacrificed wealth, honor, luxuries, and esteem to serve the poor and those in need. His own words aligned with the words of Christ:


…I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me” (Matthew 25:35-36).”


He saw Christ in everyone and believed that to serve as Christ would, you must first serve your neighbor as if you were serving Christ Himself. 

This month, we take St. Charles Borromeo’s example to heart, contemplating how we can answer our spiritual calling this month. Use this time to ask yourself the following questions, and truly take time to reflect on your answers.


  • Who or what has been knocking on the door to my heart? 
  • In what role am I being called to serve? 
  • Am I serving my neighbor as I would serve Christ? If not, how can I realign my actions?
  • How can I live out my call throughout this month? What acts of prayer can I partake in? 
  • How can I continue to live out my call throughout my life? 

Wondering how you can begin to take action through prayer? The Ghirelli Magnificat Rosalet® is designed to serve as a seamless blend of fashion and design throughout your daily life. Answer the call by beginning your journey of praying the rosary. 

We want to share a prayer meant to guide you as you answer your spiritual calling. Share this post with a loved one who may be searching for guidance in answering their spiritual calling. 


Jesus, Divine Caller of vocations,
You invite some to chosen professions,
Others to distinctive spiritual work!
Your call may reflect one's ambitions,
Or may be a command to a special calling.
Inspire me to always know within my heart,
What particular type of work is fitting
To do Your will at that particular time.
Your many callings vary immensely.
They are all reflections of Your Holiness.
Thank you for my heavenly calling and
For maintaining the vocation of Your choice!

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